Saturday, November 7, 2009

If cleansliness is next to Godliness than what is racquetball ?

I woke up early this morning, being the insomniac that I am. My second passion besides r ball is yoga. It does not seem like the two have anything in common. Yoga started strictly as a spiritual experience for me, but has developed to become a tool for the sport that I love so much. I laid down the yoga mat and blanket about 6:30 this morning. I was surrounded by geese, and the frost was on the leaves and steam was rising off the lake. Not too many normal people are in the park at this hour so it was peaceful except for the geese. I watched the park slowly come to life with the joggers and walkers. So Panno, how does this help you smack a ball around at one hundred and something miles per hour ? Well for starters being flexible definitely helps with the injuries, and I feel keeps the muscles subtle, helping you to explode better. The deep breathing while exercising helps open up the bronchi , and increases air capacity, thus helping blood carry more oxygen. The end result is less fatigue. The most challenging part for me is the aspect of focus. In our daily lives we have so much going on with family,work,traffic,and many other things to generally piss us off. I think many people have a good idea what to do on the court, but just can not bridge that mental barrier. I believe that sometimes that is why people play better when they play longer, because they become more relaxed in what they are doing. Yoga is definitely relaxing, if not euphoric at times. But I feel that racquetball also has that same effect on many people, even when they are cussin and screaming at themselves. So yoga and racquetball do have many similarities at heart. Both yoga and racquetball in the end help calm you, but which one is gonna get you to heaven probably depends on your religion. Jon "Hit Smarter not Harder"

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